Keyspaces & Indexes
To keep your keyspaces in sync with your cluster and share the changes with your team you can write the keyspaces in a file that will be used to create, update and delete the keyspaces.
const changes = getCouchbaseClusterChanges(currentConfig, nextConfig);
await applyCouchbaseClusterChanges(changes);
If your test framework offers the possibility for setup files, like globalSetup
with vitest, this is the perfect place to sync your keyspaces
The keyspaces are written in a tree-like object.
You specify buckets, scopes, collections and there indexes.
import { CouchbaseClusterConfig } from '@cbjsdev/deploy';
const config: CouchbaseClusterConfig = {
myBucket: {
ramQuotaMB: 1024,
scopes: {
scopeOne: {
collections: {
collectionOne: {
maxExpiry: 120,
history: true,
indexes: {
group: {
keys: ['groupId'],
where: 'groupId != "groupSystem"'
The function getCouchbaseClusterChanges
will compare the previous configuration with the new one and determine the changes to apply.
You need to provide a previous configuration in order to manage the deletion of former keyspaces.
It's up to you to store your previous configuration. You can store the previous configuration in your database or on disk, for example.
You can then pass the changes to applyCouchbaseClusterChanges
. Each change will be applied and awaited. This means means that if you create an index, it will only return once the index is fully available and built.
If a bucket/scope/collection/index is scheduled for creation but already exists in the cluster, its creation will be skipped, regardless of its existing configuration.
Deletions are executed first, to make sure there is enough space to proceed.
This can cause some issues with indexes, since the index being rebuilt won't be able to serve queries during that time. If this is an issue, you should consider creating a separate index with a different name, apply that change and then remove the obsolete index.